Fluttering by...

Happy TGIF Everyone! Fluttering by to say Hi with a Whimsy Stamps creation from the Cathy Delanssay collection.

But first things first. Whimsy Stamps is looking for guest designers with great coloring abilities! If you are a talented colorist and coloring is your passion then come and join us as guest designer!

Onto my creation now...

This beauty is called 'The Little Princess' and I colored it using Twinkling H2O's on hot press watercolor paper. It has such a beautiful sparkle and shine to it, unfortunately it can't be seen on the photos. The sentiment is from SC Designs' 'Fluttering By' set.
The delicate Butterfly Border is a Shapeology die also from SC Designs. The single butterfly is a cut out element from the border. I spritzed it with glimmer mist and added Frantage shabby blue embossing powder. Papers are Whimsy Designer Papers from the Marshmellow Delight and  In The Garden sets. Other embellishments are from my stash.

Here's a close-up where I tried to catch some of the shimmer on the image

Last but not least an artsy shot ;-)

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend!

