
Showing posts from July, 2009

FINALLY! - The Wait Is Over!!!

Hello my friends and Happy Thursday! Yippieeee finally the wait is over! For all of you who where waiting so patiently I have some BIG news to share! Here it comes: Summer just revealed the last stamp from the first Belles 'n Whistles release on the store blog and at the same time she announced that orders will be taken at the Belles 'n Whistles Store as soon as Friday, yes TOMORROW!!!!!!!! To be more specific as we all live in different places around the world: Belles 'n Whistles will begin taking orders on Friday, July 31st, 12:00pm Hawai'i time . (click on this link, it'll tell you what the current time in Hawai'i is). And to make your orders tomorrow click here (or on the banner above), it will take you directly to the Belles 'n Whistles Store . The website will contain more details tomorrow (Friday)! Hope you all are flooding the Belles 'n Whistles Store tomorrow with your orders!!! :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hallo zusammen und ei

Snuggle Up!

Hi everyone! Isn't she cute snuggling with her bunny? I love this stamp from the Greeting Farm! BTW, Stamps from the Greeting Farm now also available in Germany, right here ! This card was actually meant to be my entry for the Color Throw Down challenge, but unfortunately I'm too late, my bad! The colors they had this week were green (certainly celery), plum and chocolate, and this was my take on it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hallo zusammen! Ist sie nicht suess wie sie mit ihrem Hasen kuschelt? Eines meiner Lieblingsmotive von The Greeting Farm! Uebrigens, diese suessen Greeting Farm Motive koennt ihr nun auch direkt in Deutschland bestellen! Ilona von Bastelbearf-Regnery hat dieses und viele weitere knuffige Motive von The Greeting Farm in ihrem Shop. Diese Motive sind sehr vielseitig und lassen sich super colorieren. Am Besten geht ihr gleich selbst mal gucken ;-) Eigentlich hatte ich diese Karte auch gemacht fuer die Color Throw Down Challenge, aber ich bin zu spaet

Roses on Paper Challenge #17 - Starting Today!

Hello and welcome to our 17th Roses on Paper Challenge ! Wow how time flies, 17th challenge already! This time the theme is "Hearts", picked by our sweet Lim who's hosting this challenge! She wants you to show some love and use hearts on your card/project! Please don't forget, this project must be created using a Magnolia, Alota, Sarah Kay, Rachelle Anne Miller OR a Greeting Farm stamp in order to qualify!!! I can tell you this time the prize is very special!! ;-) Want to know more? Click here and read everything about it on our Roses on Paper Challenge Blog ! Hope you'll join us!!! I decided to use this cute Magnolia image Tilda with Birdcage from the Magnolia Animal and Pet Collection, available here . I colored Tilda using my Tim Holtz Distress Ink pads and re-inkers . I found matching DP in the Basic Grey paper pad Porcelaine. And as the challenge theme is hearts....I finally had the chance to use my new Spellbinders Pendant and Borderabilities Renaissance

Only 2 More Images To Reveal!!!

Hi everyone and a Happy Sunday! Hope you all are having a great weekend and are enjoying Summertime! It's so steaming hot here right know but I have to say I do LOVE it. I really enjoy the Florida Summer! Even if we are having a TS almost every afternoon, after it passes the sun is shining again and the heat is back on.... YAY! ;-) No card to show today but I want to make you aware that we have our last 2 puzzles (images) to reveal over at the Belles 'n Whistles blog during the next 4 days! Only 2 more chances for winning one of the cutes stamps on the block! VERY soon to be released right here !!!!! So make sure you don't miss your chance and visit the Belles 'n Whistles blog frequently, starting today! You'll also get some news regarding the big release everyday in Summers Tid-bit's (only on the blog )! And as a little treat, Summer added the 4 already revealed stamps to the Belles 'n Whistles store so we can admire them somemore... all in one place :-)

Have a Great Day! - 2 Challenges

Hello all and Happy Wednesday! This is going to be a short posting as I'm almost out the door running some (actually a lot) errands ;-) With my card for today I entered 2 Challenges. First I found a great Sketch over at Kellie Winell's blog. It's her first Blog Sketch Challenge and she is celebrating to be on the DT's for Magnolia and Motivet! Congrats Kellie! She makes stunning creations and if you don't know her blog yet, you have to go and pay her a visit! The second challenge I entered is for the Dutch Dare Card Challenge #56 You have to use cutting dies and/or punches. So I used both on my card (Spellies and Martha Stewart / EK Success Punches) For all the details on products I've used, e.g. stamp, paper etc., scroll down and see the cards recipe! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hallo und einen schoenen Mittwoch! Das wird ein kurzer Beitrag heute, bin schon fast zur Tuer draussen um einige (eigentlich viele!) Erledigungen zu machen. Mit meiner heutigen Ka

Belles 'n Whistles Sneak-a-Peek Puzzle #3

I'm back for my second posting today..... Belles 'n Whistles Sneak-a-Peek Puzzle 3 starting to be revealed today!!!! Whoohoo!!!! So you all will have another chance to win one of these super cute, soon to be released stamps, while we are all waiting anxiously for the stamps to arrive!!!!!!!!! How great is that? Summer will start revealing the puzzle later today (don't forget she's Hawaiian time zone)! So hop to the Belles 'n Whistles blog and take your chance to win a gorgeous stamp. What do you have to do, you aks? It's easy, I promise...go and read more on the Belles 'n Whistles blog ! For my card from today scroll down a little! Da bin ich wieder fuer meinen 2. Post von heute... Belles 'n Whistles Sneak-a-Peek Puzzle #3 startet heute mit der Veroeffentlichung des ersten Puzzleteils! Woohoo!!! Noch eine Chance fuer Euch einen dieser zauberhaften Stempel zu gewinnen waehrend wir ungeduldig warten bis sie eintreffen! Ist das nicht toll? Summer faengt h

Smookie the Dragon

Hello everyone and Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was pretty relaxing, we enjoyed the steaming hot weather, having BBQ and were swimming in the pool. My card for today shows one of Nellie Snellen's Smookie images . I totally adore this little Dragon. Isn't he the cutest hanging on to the balloon? I colored him with Copics and Spica Glitter Pens. All my papers are from my scraps box. I definitely have to use my scraps more often I got loads of it! I distressed the edges around the image using Tim Holtz distress ink Spiced Marmalade. I cut out the image using Polka Dot Frame die from Spellbinders. Otherwise I kept the card pretty simple. Just a ribbon and a ssome Basic Grey Blingz in the corners. For all the details on products used scroll down to the cards recipe at the end of the post! Hallo und einen schoenen Start in die neue Woche! Ich hoffe ihr hattet alle ein schoenes Wochenende. Meines war ziemlich relaxend, wir genossen das heisse Wetter, hatten