
Showing posts from May, 2009


Happy weekend everyone! I'm so happy it's weekend and it looks like it's going to be a very nice one. The sun is shining and I 'm sitting outside enjoying the nice wheather while I'm writing this :-) After all the rain we've had down here the last weeks it is so nice. I'm so excited just 2 more weeks until another furry family member joins us ;-) We decided that it is time for our Dobie girl Cleo to have some furry company. Her new sister was born on April 18th and I saw her pictures just a few days after she was born and fell in love Her name is Coco and she is a Boxer girl ;-) She is as sweet as can be and we are so looking forward to bringing her home soon:-) As soon as she is here I'll post pictures! For my card today I used an image from the cute stamp set Cup of Stuff from TGF. I just love these mice. I colored them using my Distress Inks from Tim Holtz and to add a little sparkle I added some matching twinkling H2O's after col

Thanks a Bunch

Hello everyone and Happy Thursday! I guess I have to hurry, my doggie Cleo is sitting right next to me and waiting anxiously for her walk. Due to the bad weather we are a little late today. My project today is a little gift bag. The template I used is from a friend from my German crafting forum, Uschi. Unfortunately Uschi doesn't have a blog. But she makes the most wonderful creations. The little gift bag measures 2 x 2 inch and is about 4.5 inch high. Hallo und einen wunderschoenen Tag! Muss mich etwas beeilen, mein Hund Cleo sitzt schon ganz ungeduldig neben mir und wartet auf ihren Spaziergang. Sind etwas spaeter dran heute, wegen des schlechteren Wetters. Mein Projekt von heute ist eine kleine Geschenktuete. Die Vorlage habe ich von einer Forumsfreundin, Uschi, aus dem Bastelbuedchen . Leider hat Uschi keinen eigenen Blog, aber sie macht super schoene Sachen! Die Geschenktuete, auch Milchtuetenbox genannt, ist 2 x 2 inch (5 x5 cm) und ungefaehr 11 cm hoch. Card Recipe: Highlig

ISB DT and ISB Challenge & Summertime Fun

Hello everyone and I'm back with my second posting for today! For today's card scroll down a little further! First I would like to share some news! Well I guess some of you have already noticed the new logo in my sidebar. Ilona , owner of Bastelbedarf Regnery put together her first DT and I was asked to be part of it! I am very excited and thanks a lot Ilona :-) There is also going to be a new challenge every other Sunday starting on the 7th of June called ISB-Challenge So remember the date and join us! New Challenges starting every other Sunday, you can enter till Saturday and the winner will be announced along with the start of the new challenge on Sunday. Certainly there will also be prizes for every challenge sponsored by Ilona. Make sure to check Ilona's Blog on details for the challenge June 7th or become a follower! Or check my blog or the blogs of my fellow DT members (see sidebar) for the announcement of the beginning of the challenges and a link to the challenge

And the winner is..........

Und der Gewinner heisst...... Hello everyone!!!!! Hope you all had a great weekend and for all of you living in the USA a wonderful Memorial Day yesterday! Wow I can say I'm blown away! 284 lovely entries for my candy. Thank you all so very much for visiting my blog, entering my candy and leaving me such nice comments! I wish I could pick more than just one winner!!!!!!! But unfortunately for this candy it is going to be just one lucky winner. This was my first candy but definitely not my last. I'm going to have my Blogoversay in August and my birthday in September ... so there is going to be more candy in the future! But now it is time to announce the lucky winner! I used to draw 1 lucky number: Hallo allezusammen!!!! Hoffe ihr hattet alle ine schoenes Woende und fuer alle die hier in den USA leben einen tollen Memorial Day gestern! Wow ich bin wirklich platt, 284 Eintraege fuer mein Candy. Vielen lieben Dank an alle fuer den Besuch auf meinem Blog, fuers Mitmachen

It's Candy Time!

*****This Candy is now closed***** This post stays on top until the 25th of May! Scroll down for newer posts!!! Fuer aktuelle Posts bitte nach unten scrollen! Hello and I'm back as promised with the announcement of my blog candy! :-) I would like to say thank you to you all, my friends, followers and blog visitors for visiting my blog and leaving nice comments on my art work. Soon I'm reaching 7500 visitors to my blog, YAY!, and I thought that would give me a nice opportunity to celebrate! :-) This is the candy I have to offer: Some details: This includes metallic rub on paste from Crafty-T, Punch and Glitter from Martha Stewart, Flower Center Kisses and Stickles (Patina and Christmas red) Eyelet and brad set from K&Company, 4 spools Offray ribbon, 6x6 paper pad from Basic Grey (Euphoria) Stamp Flutter Anya from the Greeting Farm, dotted swirls and flowers stamp set from Inque Boutique (clear stamps), 2 distress ink pads from Tim Holtz (faded jeans and brushed corduroy)

Car Lovers Birthday

Hello everyone and Happy Thursday! Only one more day to go and than the long awaited long weekend is here, YAY! I'm so looking forward to Sunday. We are going to visit our sweet little Boxer puppy for the first time. She'll be joining our family soon, just a few more weeks to go! Can't wait! We already have a doggie, a Doberman lady namend Cleo. She is such a sweetheart and I think she will be thrilled to have a little sister to play with ;-) The card I'm showing you today is a birthday card for a friend. He loves cars and that is why I chose this image. Not one of my usual images but very appropriate for his birthday ;-) This card has already landed in Germany and I hope he'll like it. Hallo und einen schoenen Donnerstag! Ja fuer uns hier noch ein Tag und dann ist's Zeit fuer's lange Wochenende. In Deutschland hat das ja fuer viele schon heute begonnen. Unser Feiertag ist am Montag. Ichy freu mich so auf Sonntag da werden wir das erstemal unseren kleinen B

Cute as a Cupcake - clean and simple

Hello everyone and hope you all had a great day! I have this Hampton Art stamp with these cute cupcakes now sitting in my drawer for weeks. Finally yesterday it was the time to ink it up and make this card. It's another one for the category "clean and simple". I just added a little sparkle to the image with my Stickles in matching colors. Image was colored using my copics. The sentiment is a stamp I found at Michaels in the $1 Dollar bin and is from Hampton Art as well. CS is from Bazzill and DCWV and the DP is from the "Sweet" paper pad also from DCWV. The silder tag was cut out with my nesties, flower is from Prima and button and ribbon from my stash. The little pink bow I made using my new bow maker from Joy! Crafts. Diesen Hampton Art stempel habe ich nun schon einige Wochen in meiner Schublade liegen und gestern war es dann endlich Zeit ihn einzuweihen und diese Karte zu machen. Eine wietere fuer die Reihe "Clean and Simple". Mit farblich passe