
Showing posts with the label Bildmalarna

It's raining hearts - RoP/BnW Challenge 28

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! And if you are not too pooped and need something to do between the holidays maybe you like to play with us. Our new Roses on Paper/ Belles 'n Whistles challenge is starting today! Our amazingly talented Rosette is the host this time and she made it nice and easy for you. Just right for this time of the year :-) The theme this time is: Use your favorite coloring medium! Yay how great is that! Hope this will inspire you to join us over at our challenge blog ! While there don't miss it to check out the other DT's fabulous samples. ***When joining us in this challenge, please remember to use a Belles 'n Whistles, Magnolia, Alota, Greeting Farm OR Bildmalarna stamps in order to qualify*** I used for my card this adorable Bildmalarna stamp ' Tossa with hearts' from the newest collection. Available now at Roses on Paper ! And right now my favorite coloring medium are my Copics. Was not so easy to decide becaus

New ISB Challenge - A Christmassy Box

Welcome to another ISB Challenge and a Happy Sunday everyone! This time it's all about a christmassy box. We want you to make any Christmas themed box. And please don't forget this must be using a Magnolia, Bildmalarna, The Greeting Farm, Sarah Kay, Rachelle Ann Miller, Leere Aldrich, Nellie Snellen, Tina Wenke, Belles 'n Whistles, Alota Rubber Stamps or Ollyfant by Erica Pels stamp. You can enter until Saturday, November 21st, 6pm (CET). As always Ilona is giving away a gorgeous prize. For more details please see our ISB Challenge blog. And please also welcome our new DT Members Kati and Kiki and our Guest DT's until March Birgit , Dana , Katrin and Sonja . We are delighted to have you on board ladies!!!!!! :-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hallo und willkommen zun einer neuen ISB Challenge . Diesmal challengen wir Euch mit einer weihnachtlichen Box. Wenn ihr an unserer Challenge teilnehmen wollt dann fertigt bitte eine be

New Roses on Paper Challenge and Friday Sketchers # 72

Welcome to a new Roses on Paper Challenge ! The very talented Jodi is our Hostess this time and she wants you to use the following fall colors for your project: Green , Brown & Orange PLUS create your card/project using a sketch from a sketch challenge of your choice! And please keep in mind this must be using a Belles 'n Whistles, Magnolia, Alota, Greeting Farm OR Bildmalarnas stamp in order to qualify! Summer , as generous as always, is giving a way a Belles 'n Whistles stamp - winners choice! We would be delighted if you come and play with us over at the Roses on Paper Challenge Blog ! :-) For my card I choose to use Friday Sketchers Sketch designed by Tanja . It's a fab sketch to work with! My image is colored with Distress Inks and it is one of the cute Bildmalarna stamps , both available here . Card Recipe highlighted products are available at Roses on Paper Stamps/Stempel: Bildmalarna - Tossa with Mushroom Colored with/Coloriert mit: Tim Holtz Distress

ROP/BNW Challenge 20 & Bildmalarans now at ROP

Happy Tuesday Fellow Crafters! Sorry for not posting for almost a week but I took some time off and I realy enjoyed it. :-) For all you living in the US I hope you had a nice Labor Day-Weekend as well! So and now I'm back with my card for our 20. ROP/BNW challenge (started yesterday already!) which is a color challenge and was picked by our lovely and talented Susan ! She wants us to create using the following colors: Lavender , Soft Blue and Cream Wow this was really a challenge for me but I managed it ;-) You can enter until September 20th and the randomly picked winner will be announced on September 21st! ***Important - Please read!!! *** The qualifying stamp companies for our ROP/BnW have changed!!! Sarah Kay and Rachelle Ann Miller are no longer available at Summer's store Roses on Paper therefore they are no longer qualifying for our challenges !!! A new stamp company, Bildmalarna , was added and the new list of qualifying stamps is as follows: Belles 'n Whist

2.ISB Challenge Starting Today - A Sketch Challenge

Hello and welcome to our 2. ISB Challenge ! Today it is my fellow DT member Marina's turn and she did a fabulous sketch for our 2. ISB challenge! Here is the great sketch she came up with: Please remember to participate and be eligible for the prize drawing you must use a Magnolia, Bildmalarna, The Greeting Farm, Sarah Kay, Rachelle Ann Miller, Leere Aldrich or Ollyfant by Erica Pels stamp! For all the details and to see the prize for this challenge, sponsored by Ilona , go to our ISB Challenge Blog . Hope you all join in on our challenge, love to see your take on the sketch and good luck to you! Make sure to visit my fellow DT members blogs they've all created wonderful cards! Here is the card I made using Marinas fab sketch. Hallo und willkommen zu unserer 2. ISB Challenge ! Dies mal ist es an Marina gewesen sich eine Challenge zu ueberlegen und sie hat einen super Sketch entworfen (s.o.) Bitte denkt daran um an unserer Challenge teilzunehmen und die Chance auf den gewinn z

Happy Birthday Friday Sketchers & DT Shop Blog

Hello and Happy Hump Day everyone! My card today I made for Friday Sketchers . They are celebrating their first anniversary - "Happy Birthday" - . There is a great prize this week and also the DT is giving away their stunning creations they've made for this weeks challenge! Wan't to know more? Check out the Friday Sketcher's blog . I also made this card as a member of Ilonas Shop Blog Team. She sells, among a lot of other things, these cute Bildmalarna stamps. This one is called Mimosa with Summer Flower. Isn't she just the sweetest? Hallo und einen wunderschoenen Mittwoch Euch allen. Meine Karte heute habe fuer Friday Sketchers gemacht, die momentan ihren einjaehriges Bestehen feiern. Es gibt tolle Preise und das DT verschenk seine tollen Creationen die sie fuer den dieswoechigen Wettbewerb geamcht haben. Wenn ihr mehr dazu erfahren moechtet besucht den Friday Sketcher's blog . Zum Anderen ist diese Karte auch entstanden in meiner Eigenschaft als DT