
Showing posts from January, 2009

ROP DT Card - The Greeting Farm

As I mentioned earlier, here comes my second card for today... yay I made it :-)! This is a ROP DT Card using a stamp from The Greeting Farm ! This is the new stamp line soon available at Roses on Paper ! For all the images soon available at Summer's Shop click here and check the shop! I used the Princess Anya stamp. Doesn't she look so cute and charming? I colored her with Tim Holtz Distress Ink Refills and for decorating I used papers from the sugared paper pad from Basic Grey and matching brads and Prima Flowers. All these are also available at Roses on Paper . For a full list of all the products used scroll down to the end of the posting. All highlighted products are available at Sumemr's store! Products/Material: Stamps/Stempel: The Greeting Farm Colored with/ Coloriert mit: Tim Holtz Distress Ink Paper/Papier: Basic Grey/sugared Other/Sonstiges: Prima Flowers , Decorative Adhesive Pearls, selfmade Hat Pin/ selbstgemachte Hutnadel, Ribbon/Band, Lace, Stickles Glitt

Birthday Card and WOJ Challenge

Hello everybody! Todays post will be a short one again as I'm so busy this week. After we had freezing weather last week here in Florida (can you believe that? .... it was waaaay too cold and quite unusual), I have to replace several plants in my yard. Despite all my efforts to save them (covering with warm blankets etc) unfortunately they didn't make it. At least my citrus trees are ok! I'm thankful for that. And I am also planning on doing a yard sale on Saturday and have to re-organize my craft room as I am about to buy me new furniture...YAY! can't wait, it's so exciting! Finally getting a nice crafting desk and storage cabinet! Also have to finish some more cards and birthday gifts, but I'll show you all that later this week! Todays card has a double roll it's a birthday card for a crafting friend in Germany and also a challenge card. Her birthday is coming up in February and I hope she'll like it. I tried not to go too wild with the embellies as sh

Snowman Love - A Valentines Card

This will be a short post today... I designed this sketch for a sketch challenge over at "Das Bastelbuedchen" a German crafting forum where I'm a Co-Administrator. We're having our first sketch challenge there which I'm hosting. And for inspiration I made this Valentine card using my sketch. All highlighted Products are as always available at Summer's shop Roses on Paper ! Products/Material: Stamps/Stempel: Whiff of Joy Colored with/ Coloriert mit: Tim Holtz Distress Ink Paper/Papier: Cosmo Cricket, My Minds Eye , Bazzill Other/Sonstiges: Prima Flowers , Decorative Adhesive Pearls, Rhinestone/Strassteinchen, selfmade Hat Pin/ selbstgemachte Hutnadel, Ribbon/Band, Lace, Stickles Glitter Glue , EK Success Punches (Martha Stewart Line), Nestabilities, Metall Charms , Cuttlebug Die Thanks for stopping by! Hugs,

Wow - can't believe I got another 2 Awards :-)

From Sally I got this award. Thank you so much Sally I'm honored that you gave it to me! This time I pass it on to Nicolchen ! ---------------------------------------- I received another another award from my dear friend Anki. Thanks so much Anki I'm delighted. There are the following rules to this award: 1. You need to name 5 things you are addicted to. 2. Put the award on your blog and link to the person who gave it to you. 3.Nominate 5 bloggers and leave a comment on their blog. Ok here it five addictions ;-) 1. My family 2. My doggie 3. Card making / crafting 4. Strolling thru craft shops 5. Coffee Instead of 5 people I give this award to all my dear followers!!!! Thanks for stopping by! Hugs,

4th Roses on Paper Challenge - Starting Today!!!

I can't believe it already our 4th challenge starting today over at the "Roses on Paper Challenge Blog" . This time our very talented Anki came up with such a gorgeous sketch! Wait till you see the sketch... I promise you can't resist ;-) I had a lot of fun working with that sketch. But the sketch is not all, she also decided that you have to use spring colors! How fun is that...finally SPRING... at least here on our :-))) For my card I chose the lovely Magnolia image Alva with flower which I got from dear Summer in my DT package. Alva with flower is one of the images from Magnolias Jingle Jangle Collection also available at Summers shop ! For the spring colors I decided to go with yellow, orange and light blue. So what are you waiting for hop on over to our Roses on Paper Challenge Blog, take a look at the sketch, get inspired by the wonderful cards my fellow DT members came up with and start crafting! Don't forget, to participate in the cha

Cheers! - A Shaker Card

I wanted to try this for quite a while now ... a shaker card! They are pure fun and it also is a card with a wow factor! It is really fun making them and the finished card is fun es well. And not only for kids! ;-) And I have to say they are not difficult to make at all. All you need is mounting tape, transparencies and some "filling". Scroll down for a list of all products I used for this card. Ich wollte schon seit graumer Zeit eine Schuettelkarte ausprobieren. Nun war es endlich soweit. Und was soll ich sagen es ist purer fun die Karte zu machen und hat einen echten Wow-Faktor. Und solche Karten sind nicht nur fun fuer Kinder. Ausserdem sind sie gar nicht schwer in der Herstellung. Was ihr braucht ist nur Abstandsband, Transparentfolie und bischen Fuellung. Wenn ihr ganz nach unten scrollt dann findet ihr eine Liste mit allen verwendeten Materialen. And because it is difficult to see all the details on thje handsome Charly I made some close ups before I mounted the shaker