Peachy Keen Stamps GDT News :-)

As it is official now I can share the news with you! :-)  I've been selected as one of Peachy Keen Stamps Guest Designers for 2011! Woohooo!  I am very excited about the news and look forward to my week as GDT End of May/Early June! This is fabulous! Peachy Keen Stamps has a very cute, adorable and whimsical line of stamps. Super versatile and for every occasion. For Peachy Keen inspirations and challenge fun check out the Peach Keen Stamps Challenge Blog HERE!

Congrats to all my fellow GDTeamies for 2011 and thanks to Peachy Keen for this great opportunity! A special thanks to Angelica fore her hard work in coordinating all this!!!! 



  1. Congratulations! I look forward to seeing your Peachy creations!

    2011 PKS Guest Designer :)

  2. Congratulations!! I look forward to seeing your creations for a whole week!!

    Fellow 2011 PKS Guest DT :)
    ~ Kristin

  3. Congratulations Iris!!
    I look forward to seeing your Peachy creations!
    PS I just became a follower and would love it if you would return the favor--we can stay Peachy connected!

    Your Fellow PK Guest DT,
    K Andrew

  4. congrats! you totally deserve it!
    liz :o)

  5. huuuuraaaa... herzlichen Glueckwunsch liebe IRis
    Wuensche dir Frohe Weihnachten
    ciao meine liebe

  6. Hallo Iris,
    ich wünsche Dir noch ein paar frohe Stunden im kreis Deiner Lieben.
    Ich bin gerne auf Deinem Blog, aber das weißt Du ja. *gg*
    LG Annette


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