20th ISB-Challenge - A Sketch

Hello everyone and welcome to our 20th ISB-Challenge! This time our fabulous and super talented Nicole has made a fantastic sketch to follow.


As always Ilona has a great prize for grabs. To be eligible for the drawing you must use a stamp from one of the following companies:
***Magnolia, Bildmalarna, The Greeting Farm, Sarah Kay, Rachelle Ann Miller, Leere Aldrich, Nellie Snellen, Tina Wenke, Belles 'n Whistles, Alota Rubber Stamps or Ollyfant by Erica Pels.***

You have time to enter until Saturday March 13th 6:00pm German time. The winner will be announced Sunday March 14th shortly before posting the new challenge. 
Can't wait to see all your great creations with Nicole's fantastic sketch!

For my Card I used "Honey Tilda" from Magnolia and I colored her with 'Distress Ink Refills'. Papers are all from Basic Greys Urban Prairie Collection. Magnolia stamps and Basic Grey papers are available at Ilonas store! The Flowers I've used are all from Magnolia and available in limited quantities right now HERE!

I also enter this card for the Just Magnolia Challenge #44 'Birthday' and Cute Card Thursday # 101 'Ribbon-Tastic'   (the black stripe on top is a black velvet ribbon)





Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Hi Iris,

    eine wunderschöne und farbenfrohe Karte - die kleine Honig-Tilda ist allerliebst und wie immer toll coloriert - Chapeau!

    Wünsche Euch einen schönen Sonntag
    Liebe Grüße

  2. totally brilliant card hun adore the image and fab detail too hugs cheryl xxxx

  3. Die ist umwerfend schön, Iris und die Coloration ist der Hammer!

    LG Kati

  4. Guten Morgen Iris

    die Karte ist mal wieder megaklasse...superschöne Farben und ein zuckersüßes Motiv :0)))

    Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Start in die neue Woche ;0)

    Liebe Grüße

  5. I just love your card :) The colours and image you used are fab and it's a gorgeous design. Thank you for joining us over at Just Magnolia this week. Hugs, Dawny xxx

  6. A stunning card as always Iris!! I love the gorgeous colour scheme and details and your amazing colouring! thanks for joining us at Just Magnolia, hugs, Jane xxx

  7. wow! gorgeous card with a beautifully coloured cute Tilda and lots of pretty embellishments. thanks for joining us at CCT this week.
    hugs, annie x

  8. Diese KArte ist super super toll.
    Wirklich schön!!!
    LG PureGold


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