Dutch Paper Crafts - Marianne Creatables Release

Hello and Happy Thursday Everyone! Today I'd like to show you a card I made using Marianne Creatables LR 0241 und LR0242. Darlene from Dutch Paper Crafts has just released these Marianne Design Creatables called Petra's Ovals and Anja's Squares & Labels. As always Darlene has put up a fantastic video to show you samples (this time made by me ;-) ) with these dies! To see all the different dies available please visit the Dutch Paper Crafts blog!

Note: Unfortunately I have to put my watermark from now on right on the card and also on part of the colored image (or at least close to it) instead of in one of the corners. Again one of my images was copied from my blog, printed out and re-used as 'own creation' from the thief. Well that happened before as well as the whole cards got copied and put on other blogs and I even saw one of my creations on Etsy one time as sample for a 'made-to-order' item. Awww this really makes me sick! And I hate to do it but for my future creations I will think of a different watermark which is right on top of part of the colored image/center of the card. Sorry for this but I'm really tired of finding my creations/images on other peoples blogs :-/

On my card and box I used dies from the Creatables sets LR 0241 und LR0242. The Magnolia image was colored using Copics (Darlene can get you Magnolia images as well!!). Papers are from Bo Bunny's 'Powder Mountain' collection. 

Copics used: -- will be added later today --

Decorated inside of the card...

...and the matching box:

Thankls for stopping by and have a nice day!


  1. WOW.....this is so beautiful!
    I'm so sorry to read about all the thievery....I guess I never realized this has become such a huge problem!

  2. Ohw, what a beauty. Love the colors.

    Sorry to read what you have to do for protecting your own cards.


  3. Gorgeous card the image is adorable and is coloured so beautifully. Love the layout. Caroline xxx

  4. Another fabulous creation from you, Iris. Love your colour choice and all the perfect embellishing.
    It is really a pity that such things happen. I still can believe by myself. I guess I have to save my images with a watermark as well. Until now I added it on the corner.
    Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  5. Oh so beautiful made.
    I take a looke on your blog, your creations are so beautiful and I am a follower now!.
    hugs from Holland

  6. Your card is so beautiful Iris. I´ve just got this die too and I locve the idea here of how to use it a lot.
    Sooo sorry to hear, you still have these problems, but unfortunately this kind of people is everywhere and obviously they´re not very good them self, since they have to sink this low and steal other peoples work this way. I know how frustrating it is, I even had one, who entered one of my cards, she had got in a swap, into a contest and won a 1st. prize for, but it was on the other site of the world, so she probably never thoought I would find out, but a good friend joined that fair too and just recognized my card and wrote me and asked about it, so some people will do anything to get their glory even steal others work. But on the other hand, then it´s also arecognition of our work, that somebody finds it worth stealing isn´t it? Always see the good side of everything, but I don´t blame you´re using the watermark now thoug, I think I would too.

  7. gorgeous little teddy bear!! sorry to hear about your stolen work... didn't realize that people would do this. thanks for the heads up! ;D


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